Dr Georges Fisse is heading DIGINEXT's Simulation & Virtual Reality Division since its creation. His main areas of technical expertise include Remote Sensing, GIS, Earth Observation, Image Processing, and also sales and marketing. He was formerly heading the Imagery Department of the CS' Earth Observation Division where he was in charge of projects such as VGT (vegetation) and SCARAB instrument Image Quality systems, POLDER data processing chain, SPOT "DownStream" programme (image correction, image rectification, geocoding, panchromatic/multispectral data fusion, mosaic generation, supervised and automatic classification, cartography and GIS, Environment), EU's MARS programme (Monitoring Agriculture by Remote : 1Sensing), ESA's MEGACITIES (valorisation of ESA data on Mega City user segment), CNES Synthetic aperture radar simulation (SIROS and MISTRAL simulators), SAR image generation and processing (including new generation modes: spotlight, scanSAR, focus) and SAR interferometry, or Helios Imagery Programme. He received his Ph.D. in computer science (Image Processing specialisation) from the Toulouse III University, France.
Dr Olivier Balet
[Scientific Director]
Dr Olivier Balet is the CTO of DIGINEXT. His main areas of expertise include virtual reality, virtual prototyping and virtual storytelling, 3D interaction, multi-modal computer-human interfaces, cooperative working, and physical simulation.
Prior to his current position, he has conducted research on 3D interaction and visualisation at the Toulouse III University. He received his diploma (M.S.) and Ph.D. in computer science (VR specialisation) from the Toulouse III University, France. He has been the author of several European funded projects (CAVALCADE, VISIONS, V-Man, V-Planet, VISTA, INSCAPE, CRIMSON, V-City, etc.).
He has been an active expert to both the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche and the European Commission for activities under FP5 KA3 and KA4 (Virtual Reality, Simulation, Multimedia and Collaborative Working Action lines), FP6 & FP7 (FET, Cultural Heritage & Technology Enhanced Learning, Distributed Audiovisual Systems). He has been VR assistant professor at both the Toulouse III University and the ENSICA high school, program committee member or reviewer for international conferences (Eurographics, ICVS, VRIS, Minitrack, TIDSE, etc.), and the author of more than 30 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings.
Martine Julien
[Project Manager]
Martine JULIEN is a senior engineer and the Head of the RTD department in the Simulation & Virtual Reality Division (SRV) of the DIGINEXT company. Her main fields of technical expertise include information and communication technology, software engineering, and control centres. Ms Julien received her Master of Science from the INSA institute in Toulouse, France. She is also graduated in Business and Administration, and received her MBA from the IAE Nancy, France, then her DBA from the University of Wales (UK).
She is in charge of the RTD activities, managing research and innovative projects for institutions and industry, and she is responsible of the contractual and financial aspects for the EC FP7 projects BESST, ESS, INDIGO, CHESS, DIVA, eVACUATE and 4D-CH World .
She is also an accredited expert to the European Commission and participated in the selection of projects and/or project reviews in FP6 and FP7 programs.
Monique Geyres
[Project Manager Assistant ]
Monique Geyres is Project Manager assistant in DIGINEXT. Mrs Geyres received a Degree of Trilingual Director's Assistant: English and Spanish. She has been working at CS for more than 20 years in different areas such as human resources, accounting, sales, marketing. She has been working during 5 years as a coordinator assistant on the European ESPRIT projects. From 1999 to 2004, she was the assistant of the Regional General Director. She was involved in the management of the INSCAPE FP6 Integrated Project.
Dr Alexandre Ahmad
Dr Alexandre Ahmad is the Technical Manager of the INDIGO project in DIGINEXT's Simulation and Virtual Reality Division. He is also in charge of the next generation 3D rendering engine (Vertigo). He received a PhD in Physical Simulations and Computer Graphics at the XLIM faculty of Limoges. Prior to his position, Dr Ahmad worked in the video games industry and joined the Virtual Reality Department of CS in 2007, where he worked for AIRBUS and for the IRPS European project. He is also in charge of VERTIGO, DIGINEXT's 3D engine . His main fields of interest are physical simulation and 3D visualization.
Laurent Vernaut
Laurent Verneaut is a 3D engineer in DIGINEXT's Simulation & Virtual Reality Division. He received his French Engineering Degree from the Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest in 2008. His main fields of expertise include 3D rendering optimisation and parallel computing. He has been working on the geographic information 3D rendering system at the heart of CS' VirtualGeo product.
Dr Roberto Scopigno
Dr. Roberto Scopigno is a Senior Research Scientist with CNR-ISTI. He graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 1984. He has been engaged in research projects concerned with scientific visualisation, volume rendering, multi-resolution data modelling and rendering, 3D range scanning, Cultural Heritage applications. He published more than one hundred papers on international journals or conferences. Roberto has been responsible person for CNR-ISTI in the projects EU IST "The Virtual Planet" IST-2000 28095, EU IST "ViHAP3D" IST-2001-32641, EU PASR-2004 "CRIMSON: the Crisis Simulation System", IST FET "Crossmod"; he participates to the activities of the EU IST NoE "EPOCH" and IST NoE "Aim@Shape".
He was Co-Chair of international conferences (Eurographics '99, Rendering Symposium 2002, WSCG 2004, Geometry Processing Symp. 2004, VAST 2005, Eurographics 2008) and serves in the programme committees of several events (ACM Siggraph '04 and '05, Eurographics, IEEE Visualization, SMI, etc.). He is Vice-Chair of the Eurographics Association and Editor in Chief of the International Journal Computer Graphics Forum.
Dr Fabio Ganovelli
Dr. Fabio Ganovelli is a Research Scientist with the CNR-ISTI. He graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 1995 and received a Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science at the University of Pisa in 2001. His current research activity involves Scientific Visualization, with emphasis on Real Time Rendering of large terrains and urban environments and Simulation of Deformable Objects. He participated in the EU projects: EU IST "The Virtual Planet" IST-2000 28095, EU PASR-2004 "CRIMSON: the Crisis Simulation System”. He was Co-chair of several international conferences: Eurographics 06 (short papers), Vriphys04, Vriphys05, EGWR02 and ISVC05 (special track on Surgery Simulations).
Dr Enrico Gobbetti
Dr Enrico Gobbetti is the director of the Advanced Computing and Communications Program (ACC) and of the Visual Computing (ViC) group at the Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia (CRS4). He holds an Engineering degree (1989) and a Ph.D. degree (1993) in Computer Science from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Before joining CRS4, he conducted research on 3D interaction and animation at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, and on time-critical graphics, multimedia and virtual reality at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore MD, USA, and at the Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences (NASA/CESDIS), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD, USA. His current research interests include multiresolution and time-critical graphics, scientific visualization, as well as visual and haptics simulation. Enrico has widely published in international refereed journals and conferences. He served as chair, program committee member and reviewer for international conferences and journals and has organized and taught advanced courses on object-oriented technology, graphics, and virtual reality at universities and international research symposia.
Dr Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière
Dr Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière is in charge of the Immersion SAS Research and Development department. Jean-Baptiste joined Immersion at the end of year 2005. Beforehand, he received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. As a student at the University of Bordeaux, he studied many computer-science related topics, from programming to computer graphics. Later on, he has been teaching those skills to bachelor and master students, as a teaching assistant for five years.
He conducted his doctorate in the LaBRI, the computer science laboratory of Bordeaux. As a member of the INRIA Iparla team, his research work dealt with virtual reality and human-computer interaction. More specifically, he worked on the use of video tracking for real-time interaction.
As Immersion R&D manager, he is now pursuing his research in the company and is leading the design of new input devices and User Interface techniques. The close collaboration between Immersion and many virtual reality users ensures such research and development work is on par with the real-world users’ constraints.
Jean-Baptiste de la Rivière is the author of more than 10 technical publications and proceedings
Christophe Chartier
He graduates in Industrial Data Processing in 1990. In 1991 he won the competition to participate at IBM's sales departments training, he also attended in the same year the school of Industrial Marketing. Since 1995 he travels regularly in Europe and USA to qualify on new product lines and improve his relationship with constructors. Actually he is the President of Immersion SAS.
André Pirlet
André PIRLET is Engineer from Liège University (Belgium) and MSc from Oregon State University (USA). He is handling in CEN Special Projects (Defence Procurement, Humanitarian Mine Action, Protection and Security of the Citizen) and the links between Standardisation and Research.
Pr Dr Arjen Boin
Arjen Boin received his Ph.D. from Leiden University, The Netherlands where he taught at the Department of Public Administration before moving to Louisiana State University (where he still holds a position). He is currently professor of Public Governance and Crisis Management at the Utrecht University School of Governance. He was the director of the Leiden University Crisis Research Center, a founding director of Crisisplan and the founding director of the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute at LSU. Dr. Boin has published widely on crisis and disaster management. His most recent books are The Politics of Crisis Management (Cambridge University Press, winner of APSA’s Herbert A. Simon book award), Governing after Crisis (Cambridge UP, 2008), Crisis Management: A Three Volume Set of Essential Readings (Sage, 2008) and Designing Resilience (this summer). Dr. Boin is engaged in a five-year Sweden-funded research project on safety and security developments in the EU. He serves on the editorial board of Risk Management (Palgrave) and the Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (Blackwell). He is the American editor for Public Administration, a premier journal in the field. Dr. Boin has been involved in many Crisisplan projects as a senior team member and supporting expert. He is an expert in evaluating crisis management actions and has written widely on the topic.
Werner Overdijk
Werner Overdijk (MPA) is the co-founder and director of Crisisplan BV. Werner Overdijk has worked as an adviser in the field of crisis management since 1992 (his areas of expertise include disaster relief, counter-terrorism, crisis communication, control of infectious diseases, animal health, food safety and protection of the national infrastructure). Werner has extensive knowledge and experience of the political/administrative as well as operational processes taking place before, during and after crisis situations. His specialises in developing scenarios, workshops, training courses and exercises for senior executives and cabinet ministers, governing councils and management teams. Werner has published several articles in academic journals (on simulations and disaster relief).
Maaike Schaap
Ms Maaike Schaap (MPA) works as a researcher and consultant for Crisisplan BV. During her studies in Public Administration at Leiden University, Maaike worked as a research assistant for the Leiden University Crisis Research Centre. In her final year at university, Maaike did an internship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, where she worked for the Division for Public Administration and Development Management. Maaike’s current duties include developing and evaluating interactive and other simulation exercises, training courses and workshops on crisis management for organisations in both the public and private sectors. Maaike is specifically involved in European and international projects that are carried out by Crisisplan.
Lindy Newlove-Eriksson
Senior analyst at the National Center for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART) at the Swedish National Defence College (SNDC) in Stockholm and Doctoral Candidate Lindy Newlove-Eriksson has an MA in Sociology from the University of Stockholm and is a PhD Candidate at the School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Industrial Economics and Management at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). Lindy hails from Canada, where she holds a BA Hon in Sociology from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. She specialises in critical infrastructure, environmental, and energy crises and has written on nuclear power and electricity outages, accidents, and infrastructural policy and vulnerability. Lindy has written on the ice storm which paralysed Eastern Canada in 1998 and together with colleagues Eric Stern and Lina Svedin co-authored a book on the 1998 blackout in New Zealand, Auckland Unplugged. Lindy has a keen interest in organisational and human factors and has analysed an accident from this perspective in Crisis Management in a Transitional Society: The Latvian Experience. Lindy brings a holistic socio-technical perspective to INDIGO.
Helena Hermansson
Helena Hermansson is an analyst at the National Center for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART) at the Swedish National Defence College (SNDC) in Stockholm. Helena brings to bear in INDIGO a breadth of research-based as well as practical experience. Helena has a Master's in Political Science from Uppsala University, where she specialized in international cooperation and crisis management. Helena also has a background in psychology, and political psychology along with organizational and cognitive psychology are of special interest to her. Helena has also worked with Security Sector Reform (SSR) and contributed to Examining the Possibilities for Security Sector Reform: The Role of International Police in Peace Support Operations. Helena has been stationed in Geneva at the Swiss Office of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, where she co-authored Gender and Landmines - from Concept to Practice
Dr Eric K. Stern
Dr. Eric K. Stern is Professor of Political Science/Crisis Management at the Swedish National Defense College in Stockholm as well asDirector of the Swedish National Center for Crisis Management Research and Training (CRISMART). He holds a Ph D from Stockholm University and a B.A. from Dartmouth College (USA). He has published extensively the fields of crisis management, security studies, foreign policy analysis and political psychology. Among his monographs and edited volumes are The Politics of Crisis Management: Leadership Under Pressure (Cambridge University Press, 2005), winner of the American Political Science Association's 2007 Herbert Simon Award and Beyond Groupthink: Political Group Dynamics and Foreign Policymaking (University of Michigan Press, 1997). In addition to his scholarly work, Professor Stern has collaborated closely with many government agencies and international organizations on a wide range of training, consulting and applied research projects. Pedagogical specialities include case-based scenario development, active learning techniques, as well as the design/implementation of table top exercises and crisis simulations.
Colonel Claude Picard
Colonel Claude PICARD is a professional firemen and the director of the CEREN. He has participated in 25 European projects over the last ten years and has coordinated two of them, ACRE and ERAS, dedicated to the use of chemical additives. His main areas of interest are forest fires and from an operational point of view he is specialized in crisis management. He participated in several international forest fire conferences, organized the International Forest Fire conference in France in October 2002 and is a forest fire expert for the European Commission, mainly for the MEDIN initiative.
Through his carrier as a professional fire fighter, he has participated is several crisis management events as a ground incident commander and as an aerial liaison officer embarked on an investigation plane. Finally, he is also a legal expert and has been appointed by the courts on several cases in the South of France.
Dr Frédérique Giroud
Dr Frédérique GIROUD is the deputy director of the CEREN. She holds a PhD in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer and is the scientific director of the center. She collaborates with scientists, fire fighters and crisis managers to conduct many of the projects in which the CEREN is involved. Her main areas of research related to forest fires are fluid mechanics, fire spread modelling, chemical additives, wildland-urban interface management and fire instrumentation. She has participated in 25 European projects and organized the International Forest Fire conference in France in October 2002. Furthermore, she is in charge of establishing contacts between French scientists and European operationals. Finally, she provides classes on the forest fire problematic to the students of Environment Master at the University of Marseille.