ProjectForeword | Research | Symbology | ReferencesTechnological BackgroundIn the frame of the Preparatory Action for the Security Programme, the European Commission has funded the CRIMSON project, which has been acknowledged [BDCGS08, NBBD07, CCD07] as impressive progress beyond the current state-of-the-art. This project implemented a radically new training system for operational preparedness by enabling the simulation of crisis management within synthetic urban environments. It offers today a unique tool for creating and handling simulated crisis situations, between multiple users with different educational or cultural background, while modifying and unfolding various training scenarios that would be difficult to recreate in real conditions. The CRIMSON project received a two-month contract extension from the European Commission to assess the relevance of additional objectives that were out of the project scope and even unthinkable during the project: Could CRIMSON technologies be extended to homogeneously support all categories of environments, including indoor operations, real exercises combining simulated scenarios and personnel actually sent to the field, and decision support during real incidents? After two months of heavy evaluation, end-users’ answer is clear and loud: Yes, definitely! It is the purpose of the INDIGO project to implement this approach based on both the CRIMSON technology and DIGINEXT's VirtualGeo product. Scientific & Technological ObjectivesThe INDIGO consortium provides the world-class and complementary competencies required to tackle the following scientific and technological challenges: